Five Years

Yesterday, 23 May, was the 5th anniversary of my tenure at Gemplus.
I still remember my first day – I arrived without much welcome. HR was not there, did not know. My own executive was horribly late for work and did not know either, though she did show me around later that day, when she finally arrived at work, after an anxious call from HR. My own boss also did not know it was going to be my first day, and was not there to greet me. And when he finally did, he told me that he would no longer be my boss, as he would be going back to France. It was like, ‘’bonjour and au revoir’’, all on the same day.
What a glorious start to my first day at work.
Subsequently, over the years, there were countless ups and downs, uncertainties, stress, disappointment, despairs and pains.
Yet somehow, I survived five years. Heck - it’s the company that I’ve stayed the ‘’longest’’ since I started working in 1988 – and it became a talking point and a big joke among friends and relatives. “How did you manage to break the record?’’ they asked.
Yesterday, my former executive, after having left the company a few years back to move to the U.S, returned to the office for a visit.
It was my turn to show her around, and update her on so many changes that have taken place since she left. Including the merger, and name change that has just been approved.
Today, I finally ran at the nearby Kent Ridge Park and worked out at the Fitness Network gym at lunch time again. It has been a long time – since last September! I used to run there a lot more frequently.
In fact, when I was considering taking up the position at Gemplus, I had visited the gym (which was just next to our previous office), to make sure that I would have a place near office for my work-outs! The gym managers were curious about my visit and asked if I was going to work at one of the companies nearby.
Well, I re-found the happiness I always feel at the run today, and all the frustrations built up over the past few weeks melted away, at least momentarily.
Maybe it’s also to do with age and a dying fire. The frustrations I felt five years ago trying to settle in this cold, calculating and chaotic company, plus those I still encounter today – don’t seem to consume me so badly these days.
I consciously tell myself nowadays that it’s no point ‘’spending’’ or passing my time and life on work issues. There are other things in life I should fret about.
With that in mind, I had the best, most effortless, 45 minutes run, in a long time!