I suppose I should be flattered that my opinions count, but frankly, I am not.
I do not like to be asked, ‘’what is there to see in Laos/ Sri Lanka/ Myanmar/ Cambodia/ Spain’’.
Before you start thinking that I am a selfish, arrogant or unhelpful person, don’t jump the gun. But reflect further.
I do not mind sharing my recommendations, or even exchanging ideas about travel plans or destinations. But don’t ask me to spoon-feed you and serve you information on a silver platter.
Countless times, I get emails from friends who hardly keep in touch, and who begin their emails with little niceties, but with blunt questions: ‘’Hey, you have been to Laos/ Sri Lanka/ Myanmar/ Cambodia/ Spain right? Tell me what can I see there, where I should go, where I should stay…’’
You might as well hire me to be your travel consultant to plan your itinerary from A to Z. Better still, to be your brain, and to think and feel for you.
Even better still, you could hire me to be your archivist too. I’ve had friends asking me for the SAME Cambodian hotel details FIVE times, over THREE years. There is this thing called ‘’folder’’ in your email system you know. And there is this thing called ‘’save’’ button on the computer too.
So, I have been to Spain. But Spain is so big – which part of Spain would you like to see? North? South? What do you like? Food? Architecture? Culture? High end shopping? Bargain hunting? Same with Laos – do you want to see the religious aspects and the history? Or do you want a high class spa-break?
Please, just because I have invested a fortune on my travels in the past, and have visited more ‘’off beaten track’’ destinations way before they have become ‘’hip’’, does not mean you have to ‘’keep up with the Jones’’ and be seen in these up and coming ‘’in places’’ now, and conveniently ‘’ask’’ me to be your tour planner.
If you can afford such trips, it means you are educated, have some brains, have some opinions and most of all, can do your own research and narrow down your preferences.
Don’t ask stupid aimless questions like, ‘’what is there to see in Laos? Where can I go?’’