Waah... Shangri-laah !

We were tucking in merrily at the table – scones, samosas, poh piah, and fruit tartlets. It was ‘’hi tea with Sir Martin Sorrell’’, a seminar organized by a publisher at a posh hotel known to host hi ranking government officials worldwide.
One of us at the table is gluten intolerant. So the wait stuff asked if she would like to eat something else. ‘’How about some fruits,’’ the lady asked. ‘’What fruit,’’ the wait staff asked. ‘’Er… apple?’’ she suggested. ‘’What kind of apple?’’ the wait staff must have been a German engineer in her past life. ‘’Er… how about green?’’
In came a huge (and I mean huge) bowl of green apples roughly cut in quarters, the way you would at home, and plonk it went in front of the lady.
She must have felt like a kid forced to eat her porridge. ‘’Apples, anyone?’’ she joked as we laughed.
Surely, a nicely plated fruit platter is not too much to ask of Shangri-la hotel????