
Milestone – a juncture, marker, a significant event in your life.
While my peers are celebrating happier milestones, like marriage, childbirth, or even their children’s graduation, I have to face a rather humdrum milestone today.
I guess there are milestones of a different kind in your life too – like puberty, illness, weakness and menopause. These are health and age indicators.
Today, I got myself a pair of reading glasses. Yes, I have finally reached the age of presbyopia! I went to the optician that I used to visit for my astigmatism contact lenses. I have not been there for four years, since my successful lasik surgery.
The optometrist that used to attend to me has been transferred to another branch. I had to get acquainted with someone else. The lady who did my eye test today asked, ‘’how old are you?’’, before checking my eyes.
No, I am not ‘’shy’’ to reveal my age, nor dread having to wear reading glasses. It was quite fun choosing from the myriad of colourful frames. If only they had such cute frames when I was younger!
And so, I greeted my milestone with a lot of cheer and anticipation. I look forward to collecting my glasses on Tuesday, and to whipping it out whenever I have to read fine prints. I imagine telling my friends, ‘’wait, let me put on my glasses, as you can see, I am now wiser!’’